Thursday, May 22, 2014

Marvel CubeeCraft

     CubeeCrafts are just another example of how paper can spark creativity and have fun with art. For this assignment, the class went on the cubeecraft website and looked at designs that we would want to use ideas from and incorporate the into our own design of a cubeecraft. I love superheros specifically from Marvel but I wanted to choose more than one, so therefore I designed it like a Hindu god with a lot of different faces because I also like Mythology such as Norse (Thor and Loki) and Greek. To make this, I did it similar to the logo design which was a previous assignment. After we formulated our ideas, the teacher gave us a template and I drew the faces, arms, torso, and feet all according to my favorite Marvel superheros. After I drew everything out on the template, I scanned it into the computer and edited it on Photoshop. The editing I did consisted of adding color, making the lines sharper, and adding in more things that would enhance the overall CubeeCraft. Something that was hard was that the color didn't always fill all the pixels so I had to zoom in and fill it in. It was just more tedious work which ended up messing up some of the lines and looking sloppy. This was a fun assignment because I finally got to do something that had to do with superheros and it was fun because I just watched The Amazing Spider man 2 and I really wanted to add him in after watching that great movie. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Logo Design

For this project, we had to create a logo that would symbolize us and when people look at it, they would know a little about us and what we liked. For my logo, I drew and eye and everything I liked inside the eye and then scanned it onto the computer. I drew things like volleyball, basketball. theater, an airplane (travel), and directors board. All these things are things I like or what I want to do when I get older. Once I scanned it into the computer, I put it on Illustrator and colored it and made it so the picture wasn't blurry when I zoomed in. Got ride of pixilated photo. At first, the design was colorless and had messy lines but after editing in Illustrator and Photo shop it turned out as a product that I was satisfied with. This was a good product to express yourself and let everything you love come out on one drawing and I think this was a very creative assignment.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Quote Illustration

This project was designed so we can understand the emphasise or words and what words have the greatest impact or are supposed to have the greatest impact in a text. Once we get the quote, we have to edit it and mine illustration turned out like the photo above. I choose the quote from the book The Fault In Our Stars. This text excerpt is from a letter that Augustus wrote to his love interest Hazel just before he died of cancer. I choose this quote mostly because I love the book but also because of a saying my friend told me. That everyone is going to hurt you, you just have to find the people worth suffering for. Just like this quote Hazel and Augustus suffer together because they love each other. It relates to me because I always get into fights with my friends and family but I don't want them out of my life. I have some say in who hurts me and I choose them, I like my choices. 
The process to designing this was simple. I just enlarged words, changed the font, and color to illuminate the message I wanted readers to understand. I put hurt in red because hurt is a negative feeling. I enlarged choose because in every ones life whether you have cancer or not you can't choose everything and I think that is the most misunderstood concept that people think they can choose everything that happens in their life. I underlined and italicized my because I want people to know that everything I have done, I have done because I choose it not because of fate or destiny. I made this project on Indesign and it was a fun new layout that was a nice change compared to the everyday Photo shop. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

House Banner

       The house banner assignment was designed so that one person can look at a house banner and learn a little about the creator of house banner. For my house banner I included the things that I like and the things that are important to me. Again, I used Photoshop to make this house banner and inside photoshop I dragged pictures from the internet or just got shapes directly off photoshop. I used the marquee tool to make the triangles in the background and used pattern overlay to create the pattern in the heart. This assignment was one of the easier ones because it only required that you use simple tools in photoshop rather than the more advanced complicated ones that take time to master and use properly. 

Shepard Fairey Poster

            This assignment was inspired by the Obama Hope poster created by Shepard Fairey in the 2008 presidential elections. To create this image, I used photoshop however, the project started with a selfie in photobooth. From there, I had to copy just my body onto a blank canvas and delete all the white from the image to add color later. Then, we had to choose colors that all complemented each other and put them on each later that had deleted white. Finally, I added the word dreamer to incorporate a meaningful word into my poster just like the one in the hope poster. This was one of the more difficult assignments because you have to be very tedious and all the layers can become confusing if they are not properly labeled. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

National Geographic Assignment

For this assignment, we first had to create an animal or Darwinstien using components or body parts of multiple animals and combine it into one using Photoshop. I used a panda mouth, lion mane, a pair of bat wins, kangaroo and panther legs, the eyes of a wolf, and the body of a horse. I wanted my animal to look like an experimental mutation rather than an evolved creature bcause it would fit the title in my national geograpic magazine cover.  After we finished creating our animal we had to add it to the cover of a National Geographic Magazine and create headlines and subtexts for it. This assignment was fun because we got to be very creative and it was a free assignment to create whatever we wanted to.