Thursday, May 22, 2014

Marvel CubeeCraft

     CubeeCrafts are just another example of how paper can spark creativity and have fun with art. For this assignment, the class went on the cubeecraft website and looked at designs that we would want to use ideas from and incorporate the into our own design of a cubeecraft. I love superheros specifically from Marvel but I wanted to choose more than one, so therefore I designed it like a Hindu god with a lot of different faces because I also like Mythology such as Norse (Thor and Loki) and Greek. To make this, I did it similar to the logo design which was a previous assignment. After we formulated our ideas, the teacher gave us a template and I drew the faces, arms, torso, and feet all according to my favorite Marvel superheros. After I drew everything out on the template, I scanned it into the computer and edited it on Photoshop. The editing I did consisted of adding color, making the lines sharper, and adding in more things that would enhance the overall CubeeCraft. Something that was hard was that the color didn't always fill all the pixels so I had to zoom in and fill it in. It was just more tedious work which ended up messing up some of the lines and looking sloppy. This was a fun assignment because I finally got to do something that had to do with superheros and it was fun because I just watched The Amazing Spider man 2 and I really wanted to add him in after watching that great movie. 

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