Monday, May 5, 2014

Quote Illustration

This project was designed so we can understand the emphasise or words and what words have the greatest impact or are supposed to have the greatest impact in a text. Once we get the quote, we have to edit it and mine illustration turned out like the photo above. I choose the quote from the book The Fault In Our Stars. This text excerpt is from a letter that Augustus wrote to his love interest Hazel just before he died of cancer. I choose this quote mostly because I love the book but also because of a saying my friend told me. That everyone is going to hurt you, you just have to find the people worth suffering for. Just like this quote Hazel and Augustus suffer together because they love each other. It relates to me because I always get into fights with my friends and family but I don't want them out of my life. I have some say in who hurts me and I choose them, I like my choices. 
The process to designing this was simple. I just enlarged words, changed the font, and color to illuminate the message I wanted readers to understand. I put hurt in red because hurt is a negative feeling. I enlarged choose because in every ones life whether you have cancer or not you can't choose everything and I think that is the most misunderstood concept that people think they can choose everything that happens in their life. I underlined and italicized my because I want people to know that everything I have done, I have done because I choose it not because of fate or destiny. I made this project on Indesign and it was a fun new layout that was a nice change compared to the everyday Photo shop. 

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