Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Logo Design

For this project, we had to create a logo that would symbolize us and when people look at it, they would know a little about us and what we liked. For my logo, I drew and eye and everything I liked inside the eye and then scanned it onto the computer. I drew things like volleyball, basketball. theater, an airplane (travel), and directors board. All these things are things I like or what I want to do when I get older. Once I scanned it into the computer, I put it on Illustrator and colored it and made it so the picture wasn't blurry when I zoomed in. Got ride of pixilated photo. At first, the design was colorless and had messy lines but after editing in Illustrator and Photo shop it turned out as a product that I was satisfied with. This was a good product to express yourself and let everything you love come out on one drawing and I think this was a very creative assignment.

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